Thursday, July 7, 2016

Maxi Peel - Day 20

Okey, this is my 20th day of using Maxi-Peel Exfoliant #2, as mentioned pimples will start to pop up for some user (and I am one of those).

Link for my Day10

They say that it is part of the process and/or side effect of using the product. It means that the product is doing it's job.

If it will be compared on my Day10, my Day20 has a lot more pimples and some are big ones. My forehead has a lot but it's not that big like on my cheeks. I have now a bit of peeling, like on my upper eyebrow, you can see a bit peeling (but not that much).

I hope this will really fade in the coming days, I do not want my face to have more pimples than before.

NOTE: I stopped using the moisturizer because, I have oily skin and they said that it is okey not use moisturizer if you have oily skin because, it already produces oil on its own.

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